The affordable XVAPE Vital Dry Herb Vaporizer is proof you don’t need to spend a small fortune to get a quality portable vaporizer for enjoying your favorite flower strains. The Vital is easy to use and it features a full ceramic chamber to ensure no hot spots or stirring. With its OLED screen, the Vital allows you to adjust the temp by degree from a 212-465 degree Fahrenheit range. The chamber holds up to 1/2 gram and the timer setting controls how long your heat sessions last. The included bubbler attachment ensures for smoother, more filtered hits while the 14.5mm adapter can fit on your go-to water pipe for even more filtration and clean flower taste. The Vital is a small, compact device that shuts off automatically after prolonged non-usage, which is always a great feature to have for those times you over-indulge. This is a great dry herb vaporizer for any budget-conscious lover of the herb or anyone who prefers simplicity over unnecessary bells and whistles.