Dynavap The “B” Dry Herb Vaporizer Experience the latest innovation from DynaVap with The “B” dry herb vaporizer. Crafted with first-time users in mind, The “B” offers an effortless entry into the world of thermal extraction and the DynaVerse. New Stainless Steel Tip: Pioneering single fin design for swift and simple extraction. Food-Grade Silicone Stem: Equipped with an airport and a 10mm tapered mouthpiece for seamless use with or without glass. Streamlined Design: Composed of only 5 parts and made of just 2 materials for easy assembly and maintenance. Technical Features: Optimized tip chamber for extraction efficiency Optional O-ring design for effortless assembly and disassembly Pentagonal anti-roll design and tip elevation geometry on the silicone stem Adjustable condenser for customized airflow and cooling Backwards Compatibility: The tip is compatible with existing DynaVap devices and accessories, enhancing versatility. Complete Packaging: Each unit comes in a complimentary green tube adorned with DynaVap branding. Join the revolution with The “B” and discover a new level of dry herb vaporizing. Please note that fitment with wood Stashes may vary.
Dr Dabber Boost Evo e-Rig Vaporizer
Honey Labs HoneyDabber II Compact Black Walnut Vapor Straw / 4.25"
Dynavap The “B” Dry Herb Vaporizer