The Hemp Bombs CBD Essential Oil Roller Sleep Blend comprises a mixture of essential oils aimed to help you relax and de-stress at the end of the day. This product delivers a range of benefits due to its numerous oils.Here’s a look at some of the essential oils in this blend (excluding the carrier oils ,Äì olive and almond): Orange Oil ,Äì Calming; Orange oil brightens mood and reduces anxiety and anger. Peppermint Oil ,Äì Peppermint Oil clears the mind to help you relax; uplifting. Lavender Oil ,Äì Soothing; Lavender relieves tension and stress and improves sleep quality. Eucalyptus Oil ,Äì Breathe easier; Eucalyptus clears nasal passageways. Clary Sage Oil ,Äì Relaxing; Clary Sage induces calmness and clarity while lowering stress levels and irritation.The CBD Essential Oil Roll-On Sleep Blend lets you breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress. Specially crafted with soothing peppermint and lavender oils, this product may help you unwind after a long day. Product Info 125mg of premium CBD Natural oils and scents Easy to use Tested by Independent Labs Aromatherapy is a form of holistic healing using natural plant extracts to encourage wellness of the body and mind. The fragrant cells or ,Äúessence,Äù of a plant are extracted from the tree parts, flower and herb to produce essential oils.Essential oils work through your sense of smell as well as skin absorption when applied. However, people also use them in air diffusers. Aromatherapy activates smell receptors in your nose to send signals to your brain, potentially impacting your mood and comfort levels. Some essential oils provide specific benefits for mood, focus and more.

Hemp Bombs CBD Essential Oil Roll-On – Sleep Blend